

Blessng of our new devotional room

Fr. Paul De Bois blessing the new devotional room

Chanting the Litany to Our Lady

On 30 September after the 11:30 Mass, our Carmelite confessor, Fr. Paul De Bois, blessed our new devotional room at the entrance of the Troostbasilica. The Sisters led the chanting of the Litany to Our Lady while in procession from the inside chapel to this area followed our daily church goers. After praying the blessing, Father sprinkle the room with holy water then everyone laid down his/her votive candle. From this day on, the people can already pass through the basilica to the inside chapel for daily Mass, Rosary and the Divine Office.


First Profession of Vows of Sr. Marie Paul Thérèse

Sr. Marie Paul Therese of Jesus the Good Shepherd

On October 1, feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Sr. Marie Paul Therese, made her First Profession of Vows in the hands of our Reverend Mother Prioress, Mother Lutgardis, within the Mass presided by our Carmelite confessor, Fr. Paul De Bois.

Signing her profession document before giving to the presider, who in turn lays it on the altar.

prostrating on the ground while the community sings the Te Deum

Father hands her the Cross as a sign of her being abride of Christ

and a copy of our Rule and Contsitutions.

Everyone embraces the bride while we sing the Magnificat.

Sr. Luisa and Sr. Socoro accompanying with guitar and flute
the offertory song, "Shepherd of My Soul"

The bride receiving Holy Communion

Sr. Lugart accompanying Sr. Carmela with the cithar for the Communion song.

Community photo after the Mass

The community singing a song for the bride at recreation.

A treat to the bride

Opening her gifts

Her profession liturgy booklet


16 July- Solemnity of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

Our celebration of the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel was simple yet solemn.
As in the previous years, we re-introduced to the people the brown scapular, which is not so popular anymore here in Belgium as before. An Orthodox priest, who was present in the Mass, called up later during the day that he found our Eucharistic celebration very beautiful!

We had also a paraliturgy in the choir on the eve of the feast in Her honor and and our Mother prioress' feast. We have agreed to celebrate her feast as prioress every July 16 instead of the Good Shepherd Sunday, which always falls on the same week with our "Troostkermis"".

In the well-decorated recreation room, some gifts were laid on the table. We first sang an opening hymne, Mother shared with us her retreat account and then we ended with a hymne to Our Blessed Mother.

Our Mother looking intently at the gifts of the Sisters.

Below is an excerpt from our DVD recorded presentation for Mother's feast, which was entitled in Flemish: "Karmel in beelden en liederen" (Carmel in images and songs)
This particular song that the Sisters interpreted with actions is our holy Mother St. Teresa's famous prayer, "Let Nothing Disturb You".

Another song was : "My Love" based on the Spiritual Canticle of St John of the Cross.

First visit of our new archbishop

Our new archbishop, Monsignor André Joseph Léonard,
came to meet our community for the first time on 3 July 2011,
feast of St. Thomas, the apostle.

Paying homage to Our Lady of Consolation.

After joining us in praying the Rosary, Vespers and one-hour Adoration
of the Blessed Sacrament, we invited him for supper, so we could exchange some words with him. He obviously loves our spirituality especially the "Little Way" of St. Therese.

Monsignor signed our Golden Book for the archives before he left.

June 16- Feastday of Mother Prioress and Sister subprioress

Our Mother and Sister subrprioress happen to have the same patron Saint, St Lutgardis, a Flemish mystic, so we celebrate their name-feastday together every year on June 16. This year our presentation was a combination of relgious and children's songs, which we interpretated with actions.

Group singing of a Marian hymne with Sr Luisa playing the guitar.

Sr. Marie Paul Therese played in the organ: " Be Gentle"

Sr. Marie Elisabeth played with her flute the music: " Play Before the Lord"

A duet-flute: "Sanctissima"

Sr. Carmela singing Maria Trapp's "Do-re-mi" with her banjitaar.

Sr. Luisa playing an instrumental music with the cithaar.

And this was after our nursery rhymes' presentation. Unfortunately, nobody has taken picture of the actual presentation because we were all participants. So we just posed after the number to give you an idea how we were dressed. We sang and interpreted songs; which we learned in our cathecism classes in the elementary years such; "Who made all the trees that grow...", "Anchona chicken", "Twinkle, twinkle little stars", "Ten Little Indians", "I am but a small voice" and finally "It is a small world after all."

Early spring in our garden

Taking a walk and enjoying nature in the beginning of spring.

MotherAnn Christi with our younger sisters.

Marvelling the many fruits that the fig tree in our garden bore.


Visit of Five Carmelite Brothers from Brugges

On Easter Tuesday we received the visit of our 5 Carmelite brothers from Brugges community;
Bro. Joseph, student master, Bro. Martin (Belgian), Bro. Clement (Swede), Bro. Emmanuel and Bro Lorens, (Filipinos).

Celebrating Easter

Our Paschal candle in the choir

After the Easter Vigil in the refectory


A blessed and happy Easter!

Wishing you all a blessed and happy Easter!
May the peace, joy and love of Our Risen Lord
fill our heart each day of our life!
And may like Mary Magdalene and the disciples of Jesus,
may we all become witnesses of His resurrection
by the way we live and spread His Good News to everyone ...

First Profession of Sr. Marie Elizabeth

On 12 April 2011, Sr. Marie Elizabeth of the Divine Mercy pronounced her First Profession of Vows in the hands of Mother Prioress during a simple yet beautiful ceremony within the Mass presided by our Carmelite confessor, Fr. Paul De Bois.

Sr. Paul Therese sang the favorite song of Sr. Elizabeth,
" I am the Vine", before the Gospel.

Here Sr. Elizabeth answered the questions by the presider
as representative of the Church

She prounounced her Vows in the hands of Rev. Mother Prioress,
Mother Lutgardis of Maria.

then she signed the document

before she prostrated on the ground while the community sang the Te Deum.

The bride received from the celebrant the profession cross

as well as a copy of our Rule and Constitutions

Then, the Sisters embraced her while she asked them to pray for her.

The bride was given first the Holy Communion

while Sr. Lutgart played the cithaar.

A souvenir pose with Fr. Paul after the ceremony.

At evening recreation,
the bride gave account of her guided retreat.

Sr. Elizabeth received gifts from the Sisters
foremost of which was a statue of the Divine Mercy, her mystery.