On 12 April 2011, Sr. Marie Elizabeth of the Divine Mercy pronounced her First Profession of Vows in the hands of Mother Prioress during a simple yet beautiful ceremony within the Mass presided by our Carmelite confessor, Fr. Paul De Bois.

Sr. Paul Therese sang the favorite song of Sr. Elizabeth,
" I am the Vine", before the Gospel.

Here Sr. Elizabeth answered the questions by the presider
as representative of the Church

She prounounced her Vows in the hands of Rev. Mother Prioress,
Mother Lutgardis of Maria.

then she signed the document

before she prostrated on the ground while the community sang the Te Deum.

The bride received from the celebrant the profession cross

as well as a copy of our Rule and Constitutions

Then, the Sisters embraced her while she asked them to pray for her.

The bride was given first the Holy Communion

while Sr. Lutgart played the cithaar.

A souvenir pose with Fr. Paul after the ceremony.

At evening recreation,
the bride gave account of her guided retreat.

Sr. Elizabeth received gifts from the Sisters
foremost of which was a statue of the Divine Mercy, her mystery.