

Gaudete Sunday

The 3rd candle in the Advent wreath has been lighted.
 "Have courage! Have patience! The Lord is coming very soon.

Closing of the Jubilee Year of Mercy

 After the Holy Father, Pope Francis formally closed the Holy Door at St Peter's Basilica in Rome, we also had a simple celebration in the community in union with the whole Church...

Sr. Maria Socoro and Sr. Marie Paul Thérèse posing before our improvised Jubilee door
at the entrance to the recreation room.
The whole community passed through this door
before we started with our paraliturgy to close the Jubilee Year of Mercy.
Here we gathered around for the penitential rite and to welcome the Advent Season.

Sr Socoro lighted the Pascal candle to begin the peninential rite

while Sr Paul Therese lighted the candle of the advent wreath while the community sang:
" O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. "