

Solemn Perpetual Profession of Sr. Marie Paul Therese

On October 1, 2017, Sr. Marie Paul Therese of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, pronounced her perpetual vows in a solemn and touching ceremony during the Eucharistic celebration, presided over by our provincial, Rev. Fr. Paul De Bois, OCD.

You can see photos in this link:!album-19


Mass in Honor of Our Lady of Mt Carmel and Silver Jubilee of Profession of Sr. Carmela

Entrance procession

 Our Lady of Mount Carmel

The celebrants

First reading: Sr Amy Benedicta

Responsorial Psalm: Sr. Marie Paul Therese
"Draw Us After You, O Virgin Mary"

Flute and guitar accompaniment: Sr. Maria Socoro and Sr. Carmela

Second Reading: Sr. Maria Socoro

Gospel Reading by Deacon Jan Goyvaerts

Homily by Fr. Martin Faingnaert, OCD, prior of Brugges community.

The  faithful listening attentively to the homily.

Renewal of vows of Sr. Carmela

Receiving the crown of white roses


Prayer of the Faithful

Filipino chaplain in Brussels, Fr. Carmelo Horlador, MSP, as main celebrant.

Bro. Henrik Maria, OCD brother from Sweden
but he belongs to Brugges community

Our Father

Greetings of peace

 Christelle singing "Panunumpa" for Communion

Word of thanks by the jubilarian


Blessing of the scapulars

Investiture of the brown scapulars of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

                                                           The Family Filipino choir

Congratulations, Sr. Carmela !

Solemnity of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel


Carmel Federation Seminar in Zevenkerken in Brugge

 On May 29-31, the Flemish Federation of Carmels held the yearly ongoing formation-seminar in the Benedictine Abbey in Zevenkerken, Brugge. This year we have Professor-Doctor Hein Blommestijn, OCarm. from the Titus Brandsma Institute in the Netherland... It was a grace and joy-filled seminar (as you can see in the photos below). All the members of the big Carmel Family: Sisters, fathers and brothers, OCDS (Tertiary) and associates, were represented.


Erfgoeddag (Heritage Day) on 23 April 2017

The basilica of Our Lady of Consolation takes part on  the Heritage Day 2017 organized by the national government. It will be open to the public the whole day from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Volunteer guides are available on that day to explain and answer your questions. Old mantles of Our Lady and valuable church vestments will be on display, only on that day. A short documentary film will be also shown to those interested. 


Visit of Fr. General Saverio Cannistra, OCD

The Sisters welcomed Father General and Fr. Jonas at the enclosure door.
This was on 19 March 2017, the eve of the Solemnity of St Joseph.
He came to Belgium mainly for the 400 year celebration of the existence of our Carmelite Friars. But every general whom comes to Belgium never failed to visit the oldest still-existing community of Carmelite nuns in the world.

Venerating the ancient and miraculous image of Our Lady of Consolation

A tour around the monastery garden

A visit in the Troostbasilica
Looking up at the bronze image above the entrance of the basilica
Celebrating the Holy Eucharist with the community
Looking at some ancient books in our archives

Reading a bull with the signature of our holy founder,
Blessed John Soreth
Looking at some important archive documents

Signing the Gulden "Guest" Book
A souvenir pose before Fr. General and Fr. Jonas, OCD, left for Sweden.

Thank you very much, Fr. General and Fr Jonas, for your valuable visit to our community!
We look forward to your next visit...