

Gaudete Sunday

The 3rd candle in the Advent wreath has been lighted.
 "Have courage! Have patience! The Lord is coming very soon.

Closing of the Jubilee Year of Mercy

 After the Holy Father, Pope Francis formally closed the Holy Door at St Peter's Basilica in Rome, we also had a simple celebration in the community in union with the whole Church...

Sr. Maria Socoro and Sr. Marie Paul Thérèse posing before our improvised Jubilee door
at the entrance to the recreation room.
The whole community passed through this door
before we started with our paraliturgy to close the Jubilee Year of Mercy.
Here we gathered around for the penitential rite and to welcome the Advent Season.

Sr Socoro lighted the Pascal candle to begin the peninential rite

while Sr Paul Therese lighted the candle of the advent wreath while the community sang:
" O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. "


2016 World Day of Cloistered Life

Today, November 21, feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the temple is dedicated to those in the cloistered life... see link to know more how can you celebrate this day and support us in their vocation...



 The younger members of the Flemish Federation of Carmels with their guest speaker, Fr. Martin Faingnaert, ocd

Closing Ceremony - in the presence of the Provincial, Fr. Roeland, OCD and the present and previous presidents of the Flemish Federation; Sr. Thérèse and Mother Kristin

Ten of the younger sisters from the Flemish Federation of Carmels gathered once again in the Carmel of Weelde in Belgium. This is now their 4th meeting since the group was organized in 2013. During this Jubilee Year of Mercy they invited a fellow Carmelite, Fr. Martin Faingnaert, to talk on the theme: "God's Name is Mercy" . First conference was on: "God's Mercy in the Life of St. Therese" and the 2nd " The vision of Pope Francis on a Church of Mercy".

The Sisters spent moments of praying together, deep sharing of experiences, laughters and a tour inside the monastery after a picknick in the garden. The one and a half-day meeting culminated in the Holy Eucharist and a Closing Ceremony around the Works of Mercy. They also spent time with the host community over a cup of coffee. The young sisters presented a short program as a token of gratitude and appreciation: 2 speeches, 1 sister played the violin and a video presentation. It was a grace-filled and joyful day, worthy of looking back and looking forward to the next meeting. Everything is a Grace and is God's Mercy!

more photos:
video: 4th Meeting of Young Carmelites in Flanders

link to the video of the previous meetings (2013-2015): 


A Glorious and Happy Easter!

The Church throughout the world echoes the angel’s message to the women:

“Do not be afraid! I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has been raised… Come, see the place where he lay” - ( Mt 28:5-6).
“This is the culmination of the Gospel, it is the Good News par excellence: Jesus, who was crucified, is risen! This event is the basis of our faith and our hope. If Christ were not raised, Christianity would lose its very meaning; the whole mission of the Church would lose its impulse, for this is the point from which it first set out and continues to set out ever anew. The message which Christians bring to the world is this: Jesus, Love incarnate, died on the cross for our sins, but God the Father raised him and made him the Lord of life and death. In Jesus, love has triumphed over hatred, mercy over sinfulness, goodness over evil, truth over falsehood, life over death.”
“Lord, we pray to you for all the peoples of the earth: you who have conquered death, grant us your life, grant us your peace!”

                                                                                   - Pope Francis' Easter Message, 2016



Recapturing the time when we danced SINULOG... in honor of the Child Jesus