

CENTENARY PRAYER - St. Teresa of Avila

   First woman doctor of the Church
Reformer and Foundress of the
Discalced Carmelite Order

translated by Fr. John Sullivan, OCD
(Novena days 6-14 October; Feast 15 October)

Loving Father, you grant us the grace
of celebrating this feast of
St. Teresa.

You offer us the example of her life,
the help of her intercession,
and the share in her destiny
that we might be inspired
by the joyful witness of her actions
and follow resolutely
the way she has shown us.

A way of humility and truth,
of poverty and joy,
of obedience and freedom,
of self-sacrifice and mutual love,
of prayer and commitment,
a way of perfection.

This way is none other than
your own Son,
Jesus Christ,
the One Who was crucified for us,
the One who rose from the dead,
the Way, the Truth and the Life.

No one goes to the Father except through Him,
the only way of salvation,
our Way and nourishment,
our Companion as we walk,
our True Friend.

Grant to us, O Lord, through St. Teresa
the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
that we might know how to follow her teaching
and, like her, enjoy true life in your house,
the home of us all.



Feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus - feast of the novitiate!

October 1; Feast of St. Therese,  is the feast of the novitiate.
Sr. Marie Paul Thérèse here reads her retreat account.
She renewed her temporary vows after the Holy Mass. Loving congratulations, dear Sister!
Bookmarks with texts from St. Therese given to the Sisters.
Every year, the community is invited to the novitiate on this day
for a simple paraliturgy in honor of Little Therese.
This year took on another significance because Sr. Paul Therese bade goodbye
 from the novitiate to move on to her next phase of formation in the community.

After 5 years in the novitiate dormitory, Sr Paul Therese now transfers to the community dormitory. We accompanied her in procession to her new room, while singing the Litany of Our Blessed Mother,  to begin the  Rosary month.
In her new room (In Carmel we call it "our cell").
Our Mother welcomed her to the community with short exhortation related to her retreat account.