

Funeral of Sr. Maria Augustina of the Trinity

Twenty minutes before the Mass the Sisters aligned themselves in row behind the coffin. Everyone who came in sprinkled her remains with holy water.
Rev. Fr. Paul De Bois, OCD, the community confessor, was the main celebrant, assisted by our permanent deacon, Rev. Jan Goyvaerts
Fr. Paul gave a very beautiful homily, not failing to mention the typical smile of our dear Sr.Augustina, which she wore till the end.
Father incensed the altar and the remains.
The choir which led the singing of the Requiem Mass.
The concelebrating priests, one of whom was an Orthodox priest.
Singing of Marian Hymn at the end of the Mass facing the image of Our Blessed Mother.
Going to the cemetery
Vilvoorde Cemetery
Final blessings
Community graveyard
May our dearest Sr. Augustina rest in eternal peace in the loving embrace of her Holy Trinity!


Sr. Maria Augustina of the Trinity

Our dearest Sr. Maria Augustina went home to God peacefully on the evening of March 9, 2014, strengthened by the Sacrament and surrounded by the loving prayers of her Sisters.

A Prayer Vigil will be held on March 12, at 16:30 pm, in the Troostbasilica. The Funeral Mass will take place on March 13, at 11:00 o'clock AM, to be presided by the community confessor, Rev. Fr. Paul De Bois, OCD.

We recommend to your holy prayer our dearest Sister just as she prays for you, where she is now enjoying eternal rest in the loving embrace of our Heavenly Father.