


Paraliturgy to begin the Advent season

The novices laughing while one read the task she had drawn
because, according to them, it is very appropriate.

We enter again into one of the most beautiful seasons of the liturgical year. We started it with a simple Paraliturgy at recreation with the readings for the First Sunday of Advent. Before the Gospel, the first candle of the wreath was lighted. Then the first group proposed to the community what to do within the week. The theme chosen in line with the readings is: "Be vigilant!". Some practical suggestions were written on small pieces of paper drawn by the sisters. We agreed to share our experiences on Friday before the next group will present other suggestions for the second Sunday. We hope this will help us exert more efforts to put into practice the real meaning of the season, and prepare ourselves better for the coming of Out Lord.

A blessed and meaningful Advent to you!


83rd birthday of Sr. Augustina

Sr. Augustina blowing her musical birthday candle

Entertained by the Filipina Sisters with their action songs

The celebrant visited by Sr Theresina from Lisieux Carmel on her way to the Philippines.

On November 7 our oldest sister in the community, Sr. Augustina, turned 83 so we treated her to an afternoon recreation with coffee and cake. We lighted a musical candle and let her blow it. Then, the Filipina sisters rendered her some action songs to her great pleasure (as you can see in the picture, clapping her hands to the beat of their songs).

Our dear sister's health is already fragile and needs extra care so she is not always present at recreation but she loves those momentst when she is with the community. On this particular day we made it sure that it was something special for her.

Her favorite sister and niece, from Boxmeer in the Netherland, came already the previous Sunday to visit and bring her birthday gifts .

Happy and blessed birthday, our dear Sr Augustina! May God grant that you remain with us still for more years. But as always, may God's will be done!