On 18 March, was the Troostbasilica reopened to the public (after 2 and a haf years of the interior restoration). The significant event was marked by a solemn concelebrated Mass with Godfried Cardinal Danneels as the main celebrant. There were 14 concelebrating priests and around 400 people who joined in the celebration. Some had to sit in the verrijzenispandwhere they could follow the Mass through a large screen. We will try to publish an excert of the beautiful and touching of the homily of the Cardinal when we get hold of the copy.
The most touching parts were the re-enthronement of the miraculous image of Our Lady of Consolation and the moment of Adoration after the blessing of the new altar-tabernacle while the choir was singing Ave Verum.
More photos to follow...
Please our apology for the delay in updating our blog. We had problem in accessing our blog account. Thank you for your understanding and patience! A blessed lenten season