WELCOME to the blog of the Carmelite Sisters in Vilvoorde!
We lovingly dedicate this endevour to the young people whom we know & still hope to know, to our friends, benefactors, families and communities of origin (the reason why this has to be in English).
We choose to launch this on the Feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, under whose patronage we place this blog. May she impart to us her contemplative-missionary zeal in making God be loved by many...
It has been two years ago since we contemplated beginning this but due to some reasons it didnt materialize but with the re-opening of our Novitiate this year, guess there will be enough materials to publish now and then.
In fact, on the Feast of St Therese itself, our second Filipina postulant, Jurechille Catalan, will receive the Habit of Our Lady of Mt Carmel during a simple ceremony after Lauds. She will then receive her new religious name and mystery. We hope to share it with you soon along with some photos.
In the meantime, keep her and our little community in your prayer.
A blessed and happy feast of St. Therese! May she continue to teach us her "Little Way".